welcome to my page


i am an 18-year old artist and old web enthusiast. might throw some things on here on occasion :3

ive been into old web stuff since i was little. big fan of self expression, maybe not as good at coding, but wanted a site that was *mine*

big thanks to sadgrl's resources, couldn't have made this site without them, and thanks for the tumblr users who's blinkies i shamelessly ripped from their pages.

as with anyone "old-web," im firmly leftist, against most censorship, and hate the gentrifying of the internet . things have changed in a major way over the past decade, and while im obviously for some of it, im not a fan of the megacorps janking our style and forcing us into nicher sides of the web. i thought we were ALL degenerate dorks, what happened?!?!?!?

but yeah!! check out my stuff in the "art" tab, or learn a little more about what exactly im trying to do here in "ab me.".


unironic animal jam player, homestuck fan, gravity falls dork.

space blinkie snoozeblink popup firefox tumblr
